Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Year Recap!

Let's go back in time: September 08

- Is time different in Latin than it is in English? If so, don’t teach it to us! – Rufa (who wanted to be Rufus)

- “What are verbs associated with in Night?” Criminals.

- Is Savannah a country? – Celera

- What’s a Roman? – Celera

- Who’s Elmer Fudd? - AR

- “What’s a noun?” A verb? – Celera

- “What’s an optimist?” A robot. – Leo

- “If April showers bring may flowers, what do may flowers bring?” Fireworks. VD Bees. – Miranda

- They take science in high school? I don’t remember taking science! – JW

- Is Finding Nemo made in Latin? -Miranda

- What does wander mean anyway? -Amanda Iuno

- There’s an Oakland in Maryland? – Ursula

- Is it piees? (on the word pious) - College student

- What’s a direct object? – Amanda

- I’m almost eighteen and I can’t buy air in a can! – Allegra

- Are we on the East Coast? – Felicia

History according to Some Unfortunate Student

- (Looking at a map of the United States) Is this the world?

- O.C is outside of the United States.

- Pearl Harbor: The Germans bombed the United States for tea.

Everything has ears. I didn’t mean that. – Ursula

Is 60 seconds a minute? – Mergus

I can’t cook. I burn cereal. – Beata

Why would you bring a first aid kit camping? – Allegra

This picture is not edible! – Alma

Zero is negative. – Ursula

I would do really well in English if it weren’t for this book!

Did the Titanic really happen?

The 60’s were a good year. - Lucius

Fast-Forward now: May, 2009

“Roman: Is that Latin?” DC


1. “Was Julius Caesar real? I thought Shakespeare made him up!”

2. “So is Los Angeles a state in California?”

3. “My name is up there twice! Can you erase one so I look smart?”

4. “[I thought] Marc Antony killed Caesar!”

5. “Marc Antony: was he named after the Ninja Turtle?”

6. Re: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: “They speak in German.”

7. “Caesar’s wasn’t that important. He didn’t do that much. Obama is the president. Caesar didn’t have a jet.”

8. “Caesar got around in a gondola.”

9. “They didn’t have kayaks in Italy?”

“I did a project on Julius Caesar, and I didn’t even read the book!” – Felicia

“Was Caesar really killed by Shakespeare?” Faustina

“Do they even offer Latin in college?” Mallegra

“Juno: that’s a city in Alaska!” Albina (speaking of Juneau)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"Is a verb a describing word?" HV

Friday, May 16, 2008

Finally, An Update!

First: The best one heard ever....

"I won't apologize for trying to talk good." Barack Obama

"My shampoo tastes really good." Anonymous

"Isn't he [Arnold Schwarzennegar] German?" BB

"How do you spell 'senior'?" JD

"What's an umpire?" AB

"I'm trying to determine if it tastes like laundry detergent or if it's plastic and cotton." AB
"I usually do it to my hair but I have too much hairspray in it today." AB

"There are only 24 letters." LP
"I thought there were 25." BB

"I thought the cyclps was one of those water animal things." IF
"I thought someone with THREE eyes was a cyclops." Magnus

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of quilt?" JD
"Turn the G around and you have a Q!" JD

"Why would Pi day be on July 22nd?" Leona

"What month is July?"
"The sixth." Faustina

"Who's Ella Fitzgerald?" MT & CC
"Who's Darth Vader?" CC

"I thought [our galaxy] was called the Milky Way because it looked like a candy bar." MT

"You can't start if I'm not finished." Leona

"Twinkie's are already fried!" Artemis

"So you speak Latin?" AJ

"What does Wham! stand for?" Magnus
"I've heard of George Michael." Ursula

"Cocaine used to be in Coca-Cola? So why'd they stop?" LZ

"How do you get a mosquito bite in winter?" MP

"What time does the hospital close?" AS

"What body of water do you go over when you go over the Bay Bridge?"
"Ocean City" MT

"France and England: they're the same thing." SB
"England's an island?" EH

"What continent is the Netherlands in?"
"Florida." AF

"I just paper cut my nose." IF

"It's not England; it says 'British'!" IF

"Lord & Taylor: that's a store?" CN

"England: what's that?" AF

"I'm not going to sit in filth and expect to be clean!" MP

"I couldn't read your lips; I'm not deaf." SS

"Where's Cuba?" CB
"What state is New Hampshire in?" CB

"Isn't this one of the fastest days of the year?" Faustina

"Isn't it weird that I'm me and you're you?" Leona

"Isn't Buffalo a state?" SB

"I didn't know that walruses had teeth. I thought they were the animals with just gums." SB

"When's your birthday?"
"Aaaargh - I can't even remember." SG

"Where's Austria?" SR
"Is that near Australia?" BB

"It wasn't Ozzy's fault that he took all those drugs." SS

"We have 52 states because of Alaska and Hawaii." Anonymous freshman

"You look like you woke up and came to school." AF
"I fell asleep last night." AF

"Emergency Exit: What's that for?" Faustina

"You don't need an appendix, do you?" SS
"Only one." Beata

"I don't want to hear that from your ears!" SS

"She's nice in a mean way." MP

"That thing on the light-head." Antonius

"Difference: Is that a real word?" SS
"Deference: Is that a real word?" SS

"You can burn ashes." Felix

"Do cats have flesh?" LP

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If April showers bring May flowers, why couldnt' they land in Virginia?

It's been a while. Let's get down to it:

1. "When I'm driving, I have to do something with my hands." CS
I heard this one speaking to a young chain-smoker. While attempting to discern why she smokes, she indicated she does so when she gets bored. Goodness, I hope she doesn't drive near me. I'll have to park farther away...

2. "Is Gettyburg just a battlefield, or is it a town, too?" CP
Oy! Said by a usually bright student before embarking on a field trip to the Civil War battlesite.

More later... (hopefully sooner than later)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

April Showers bring Ridiculosity

On watching a documentary on the 1970's (shown on the History Channel) M.D. asked the following when the commercials came on:
"They had Geico in the 70's?"
Apparently she did not realize that the commercials were NOT from the 1970's as well.

"I have no idea what is meant by 'turn-of-the century'." One of the board's favorite posters, Favorite Student, said this today, shortly after the aforementioned quote. Goodness.

"Didn't they always have disposable diapers?" Again, from Favorite Student. Apparently, she couldn't imagine a time before Huggies, Pampers, etc. Remember when diapers were made out of cloth?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Board of Ridiculosity

This blog is lovingly dedicated to Stephani Kramer and her comments of ridiculosity. Stephani Kramer's statements were sometimes so outrageous and so crazy, that I had to create a new word, just for her. My favorite experience: I had Stephani in my Latin I class in high-school. While I try not to be a pretentious snob, Latin is the reason that I truly wanted to go into teaching, and I always get excited about teaching the language, even after doing it for several years. One day, while I was typically thinking of Latin, Stephani raised her hand to indicate she had a question. Expecting something regarding the lesson, I was shocked to hear her ask: "If we have a fire drill, and I'm in the bathroom, should I finish first or leave with the class?" And thus, the ridiculosity begins...